Adalogger --------- The Adalogger is a Featherwing with a PCF8523 RTC and a microSD card slot. * Header: ``feather/wing/adalogger.h`` * Link: `Adalogger RTC + SD `__ * Update task: nothing is done The ``Adalogger`` is instantiated with one of two constructors: * ``Adalogger()`` is a wrapper for ``Adalogger(10)``, and sets up the Featherwing with support for the onboard RTC and SD. * ``Adalogger(uint8_t cs)`` sets up the Featherwing with an alternate SD CS pin if the default has been changed. Alternatively, using a CS pin of 0 will disable SD card support. The ``setup`` method doesn't check whether the RTC has a valid date and time; this is provided by other functions. Note: if SD support is enabled, the card must be inserted and ready by the time ``setup()`` is called. There isn't support for hotswapping SD cards right now. SD support is provided by the `SdFat` external library; only FAT support is provided at this time. The ``Adalogger`` class provides the following methods for interacting with the SD card: * ``File openFile(const char *path, bool write)`` opens a file; the ``File`` type is provided by the `SdFat `__ library. You don't need to include anything extra if you're not using the SdFat library anywhere else. * ``bool exists(const char *path)`` returns true if the file or directory named by ``path`` exists on the SD card. * ``bool remove(const char *path)`` returns true if the file named by ``path`` was successfully removed. * ``bool mkdir(const char *path)`` returns true if the directory named by ``path`` was successfully created. This class is also an instance of the ``Clock`` class; in addition to the standard ``Clock`` methods, it has ``void adjustRTC(DateTime &dateTime)`` to set the date and time in the RTC.